Friday, December 19, 2014

Drug test welfare recipients and other distractions!

Friend on Facebook posted article on drug testing welfare recipients.  Again, the rich are working hard to distract us.  Here is my response:  

"I would agree as long as we drug test the CEOs of companies who get corporate money from the government in the form of tax breaks they've received by working as defense contractors, Wall Street investment groups or the construction industry.  I agree that it "seems" important to go after the poor on welfare but this is exactly what the .01% who have 99% of th wealth WANT us all to focus upon.  Do you know that congress and Obama just gave the banks the ability to et OUR MONEY in the futures market again??!  They keep the profits an the fed pats f they loose!  Same thing that caused the bank meltdown in 2008!!!   The rich want us all to fight each other so that we do not fight them!  Wake up!  Let's PUBLICLY fund elections, outlaw private money in politics and get our government back!!!     Congress is OWNED by the rich!  We can change it!  Founding fathers allowed for constitutional amendments bypassing federal government if 3/4 of states vote to have a constitutional convention.  See for more info or my blog for future postings.  "

Friday, August 1, 2014

Rizzo Strong!

I'm not one to bandy about the term "hero" lightly. I feel it should be reserved for a very special people including soldiers, firemen, EMTs police, FEMA, and other emergency workers.  My cadet class colleagues from Boston EMS who ran into the chaos at the marathon bombing instead of running away are heroes but they have years of training and experience.  They understand the calculus of emergency medicine and use training and equipment to balance the odds in their favor.  They accept the risks every day when they don the BostonEMS uniform. My friend  John Rizzo was not trained in EMS or in fire but he did extraordinary work and saved his family and neighbors when their homes were engulfed in the six alarm fire in East Boston. He helped others to the detriment of his own family and lost all his worldly possessions including the video equipment he uses for work. It's an amazing story and you can read about it in the Boston Herald through the following link.  Please repost, retweet & pin the following link so we can help John and his family in this, his  time of need.  If you can help financially, all the better.

A heartfelt thank you to all the people who have already helped through the site.   - Josh Weisbuch 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Apple: feature request: Confirm send!

Dear Apple:   I would like to have a setting where I confirm  outgoing email or text.   Siri is not 100% so I often look like I'm having a stroke.  Worse, I hit the stupid SEND button next to the keyboard accidentally  ALL THE TIME and my emails go out unclear, Siri-FIED and I look like a moron. I have been asking for this feature years ago when I worked with you!  Allow me to confirm send?? damn!  

Maybe it's me.  Am I missing something?  Anyone know how to turn this feature on or have a better email app on iPhone with this feature?  ANDROID?


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Examples of LA "Bangers" and "Thugs" fighting in Syria have deeper historical roots?

Friend on facebook posted the following link about video from Los Angeles THUGS and BANGERS fighting in Syria.  :  Los Angeles "Bangers" in Syria

Made me think and post the following:

Ok, like to talk about this.  First, these guys seem like dufusi (…plural for dufus).  I'm unclear for whom they are fighting.  However, if their side wins and these two tatted dummies are honored for generations by those for whom they fought what would you think of them then?  What if their new government offered them land, titles, money? Would your opinion change of these "thugs" and "Bangers"....   History has an interesting view of this issue.  In the late 1770s Bangers and Thugs were also called Hessians and Mercenaries... During the US revolution Hessen-Kassel General Wilhelm von Knyphausen led his german troops against the british.      Colonel Carl von Donop, Colonel Johann Rall both died in the establishment of OUR nation.  Will Syria remember ARMENIAN gang bangers from LA Creeper and WIno?   Other Germans fought for the british and were offered land.   I don't know but regardless of the side they take if their side wins aren't these guys freedom fighters?  History is written by the winners, after all.  What about the "Machine Gun Preacher" motorcycle criminal guy from the movie a few years ago?  He brought food to kids in Africa ...but did it with violence.  What about the US backed Mujahadeen who used our Stinger Missles in the early 80s to bring down Soviet super-choppers…  Osama Bin Lama was part of those groups…. Oh, here’s a fun name….Oliver North?  He was in US uniform when he defied the US consitution ON PURPOSE to help a cause he believed in...the contras....who, many argued, were made up of murders, rapists, thieves and former secret police toruturers.... OF course it's rumored (and I believe it having read books on Salvador and Nicarague from IN the 80s) that those secret police learned how to torture from OUR CIA/DIA and other secret military groups within the US government....   Sorry guys but "bangers" Creeper and WIno from Armeinian Los Angeles gang seem a bit innocuous and amateur after Ollie North sold MISSLES to Iran for cash for his private little war....  oh, not on orders from Reagan of course... just Admiral what's his f*ck....Seacrest???*(….wait, Ryan Secreast??  But that Admiral went Rogue right....?       Look, I don't think violence is ever the only answer but Dan you and I have spoken enough about issues like this where we probably agree that if Mexico or Canada attacked Texas or North Dakota and were killing civilian women and children that you and I might just work together and pick up arms against these invaders.  Armenia is what, 500 miles from Syria.  ???   That's pretty damn close.  I'll write more on my blog at if the fancy hits me but it seems like these videos are merely the modern version of newspapers crying out against Germans/mercenaries/thugs/bangers.... Marine Colonel... Admirals...   :-)  ?
(let the flaming begin!)

Wiki: German troops fight in US Revolution on Both sides

Syria 500 Miles from Armenia

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Whoa! Great Mitt Romney documentary on Netflix

I just watched MITT, the documentary done by NETFLIX.    It was excellent.  It showed a side  of campaigning which was fascinating but it also did a great job of showing Mitt Romney and his family as human beings.   I learned that Mrs Romney uses the horse to battle her Multiple Sclerosis, their sons and daughters are very thoughtful and have real pathos for their parents sacrifice of privacy during the campaign but believe their father is a great guy and he should serve the country.   Mitt Romney shows real emotion toward his family and even for "the other 47%" who have been dragged down by a poor economy. There were a few scenes where he showed real intellect when discussing taxes and  govenment; showed how some businesses can pay 65% of their income to government as taxes (added up gas tax, sales, income, etc). He states emphatically  how the problem is that  governemnt  is full of lawyers who do not understand the struggle of building a business.  The most humanizing scenes shows Mitt cleaning up trash.!  The guy is worth billions and he sounds injured when he notices trash blowing about outside his hotel room balcony and quickly goes out there, cleans up, carries the trash through his room and takes it outside of his hotel room passing his staff along the way.   Happened number of times so I don't believe it was scripted. His intellect and self possession were  on display when discussing his great respect and admiration for his father and his very humble beginnings in Mexico. Mitt showed pride and humility when it's guessing house father who was born in Mexico came to the United States, eventually  ran a car company without even a college degree, won for governor and ran for president.  Mitt Romney,  using his hands, showed how his father came a very long distance and how he only came a very short distance.  Mitt Romney showed real understanding and humility.

Pathos, respect, intellect, Street Smarts, humor, love for his family and wife,  all this was on display in this movie ....,

... And lLet me tell you how happy I am that this video or even snippets of this video we're not shown during the campaign.  I understand that some of it may have been planned to be used at the convention but Clint Eastwood went over in time and the video was canceled. Thank you Clint Eastwood for  going bonkers and talking to a chair!  If this video has been shown and Mitt Romney could have spent prime time tv time breaking apart the myth  that he was a rich, unfeeling, flip-flopping billionaire, who mocks the "47% who would never vote for him"and would do anything to get elected then Obama would've had a much tougher  time in this election. 

The documentary is worth watching because it showed that there are more layers to Mitt Romney and the Romney family then were presented by his campaign and by the media. I, for one, am glad the election went the way it did because 
Mitt Romney may be a great guy dedicated to his family and his country who has been suffering for over 20 years under a false public perception but Romney  Presidency would've been disastrous.  In the movie told us why. 
At the end he joked that Republicans have trouble with him because the republican party are a southern party , a babysit party and a party of the poor whites but Mitt Romney is a northerner, a Mormon and rich.  I'm glad he sees it that way because that means he's not focused on the real problem.  The real problem as I see it is that he's a good guy a top a party that is delaminating as we speak.  The prevalence of the tea party, the overt racism, the many antichoice morons in their ranks and the daily gushes of mean-spirited, venom laced idiocy shown by even their "intellectual" leaders shows me that Reagan's dance with the extreme right has finally begun to split apart his beloved Republican Party. Republicans do not even represent the military anymore since they are willing for 1% of the country to fight for the other 99%. Republicans represent big business exploiting environment, are going after a woman's right to choose and killing the poor. Where are the Republicans who have compassion?  Where are the Republicans who are willing to stand up and say "I believe in evolution, in science, in a woman's right to control her body. "Hell, where are the Republicans who stand with the  small business owner against the giant, rapacious corporations bent on creating monopolies, destroying markets and never paying taxes? 

We see that the Republican led Congress and the Republican-led state houses are now waging a real war against human and American rights. Nowhere are any of the positive statements or ideas that the Romney family showed in this movie prevalent in the Republican Party he feels. Pres. Truman Trumann used to joke that "he wasn't part of it organized party, he was a Democrat".  I will take the Democratic disarray anytime over a Republican juggernaut  bent on destroying American freedom for human beings because of their lockstep support of the fallacy of "corporations are people."   The crazies on the Democratic side  believe in free cannabis, single payer health care, abortions for everyone, but will lay down their lives to support some fascists' right of freedom of speech. Although  I worry that the Democrats are beginning to be co-opted by big monied interests thanks to the same Supreme Court to say that corporations are people but I will take our democratic crazies any day over the sexist, racist, fascist Republican separatist morons who don't believe in any science because they were told that their Bible tells them not to. Worse they don't even read the Bible for the positive lessons of Yahweh,  Jesus and the apostles instead they use the Bible as a way to go after peoples rights. 

If this documentary have been shown during 2012 I think many people who were on the fence over Obama because of his wishy-washy weak willed willingness to "work with his friends across the aisle". The allowed the Republicans to set the tone and we have torture, the NSA, so-called Obamacare instead of single-payer and a banking disaster to thank for it. These voters who were frustrated with Obama would have voted for Romney if they thought he was even a little bit of a human being.  And he could've won. 

The problem is that Mitt Romney could not control his own party and with the Republican staffers in the White House, Republicans running Congress and many state houses, our fragile democracy would've been seriously weakened.
It would have been a much closer race if this video has been shown during 2012. Movie made me want to have mitt run again but to run as a Democrat the way he should.  Maybe he can play a role in this country where his ideas on freeing up business could be implemented. Unfortunately we will never know because liberal northern Republicans are not going to be a voice in the Republican Party for a long, long time.

See the documentary, it's fascinating. Draft Mitt as a Democrat in 2016 !