Sunday, March 2, 2014

Examples of LA "Bangers" and "Thugs" fighting in Syria have deeper historical roots?

Friend on facebook posted the following link about video from Los Angeles THUGS and BANGERS fighting in Syria.  :  Los Angeles "Bangers" in Syria

Made me think and post the following:

Ok, like to talk about this.  First, these guys seem like dufusi (…plural for dufus).  I'm unclear for whom they are fighting.  However, if their side wins and these two tatted dummies are honored for generations by those for whom they fought what would you think of them then?  What if their new government offered them land, titles, money? Would your opinion change of these "thugs" and "Bangers"....   History has an interesting view of this issue.  In the late 1770s Bangers and Thugs were also called Hessians and Mercenaries... During the US revolution Hessen-Kassel General Wilhelm von Knyphausen led his german troops against the british.      Colonel Carl von Donop, Colonel Johann Rall both died in the establishment of OUR nation.  Will Syria remember ARMENIAN gang bangers from LA Creeper and WIno?   Other Germans fought for the british and were offered land.   I don't know but regardless of the side they take if their side wins aren't these guys freedom fighters?  History is written by the winners, after all.  What about the "Machine Gun Preacher" motorcycle criminal guy from the movie a few years ago?  He brought food to kids in Africa ...but did it with violence.  What about the US backed Mujahadeen who used our Stinger Missles in the early 80s to bring down Soviet super-choppers…  Osama Bin Lama was part of those groups…. Oh, here’s a fun name….Oliver North?  He was in US uniform when he defied the US consitution ON PURPOSE to help a cause he believed in...the contras....who, many argued, were made up of murders, rapists, thieves and former secret police toruturers.... OF course it's rumored (and I believe it having read books on Salvador and Nicarague from IN the 80s) that those secret police learned how to torture from OUR CIA/DIA and other secret military groups within the US government....   Sorry guys but "bangers" Creeper and WIno from Armeinian Los Angeles gang seem a bit innocuous and amateur after Ollie North sold MISSLES to Iran for cash for his private little war....  oh, not on orders from Reagan of course... just Admiral what's his f*ck....Seacrest???*(….wait, Ryan Secreast??  But that Admiral went Rogue right....?       Look, I don't think violence is ever the only answer but Dan you and I have spoken enough about issues like this where we probably agree that if Mexico or Canada attacked Texas or North Dakota and were killing civilian women and children that you and I might just work together and pick up arms against these invaders.  Armenia is what, 500 miles from Syria.  ???   That's pretty damn close.  I'll write more on my blog at if the fancy hits me but it seems like these videos are merely the modern version of newspapers crying out against Germans/mercenaries/thugs/bangers.... Marine Colonel... Admirals...   :-)  ?
(let the flaming begin!)

Wiki: German troops fight in US Revolution on Both sides

Syria 500 Miles from Armenia