Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Run Warren Run!....?

There is a moving video on the RunWarrenRun.com web site looking to draft Elizabeth Warren to run for president in 2016.  Video includes excerpts from her run for the Senate and her speech at the DNC... I would LOVE to hear a debate between her and Hillary over _anything_.  I believe her just showing up to the debates in the primaries would help push the democratic party to the left and push the republicans to the far right and this can only be good for America since ANY Republican in the White House means more conservative nut jobs on the supreme court, more business-friendly wars, less freedom of choice for women everywhere (especially poor women), more businesses raping our economy and the continual destruction of our system of government .  There's a petition on the site to request Warren to run.....go sign it....you know you want too.  :-)  Thanks - Josh