Monday, January 18, 2010

An open letter to Massachusetts regarding Senate Race 2010

There is clearly a lot of anger out there and it's focusing on the Mass Senate race. I think people are angry at the politicians in Washington and angry at Obama for failing to bring real health care reform. Scott Brown is capitalizing on this anger. Some might argue that he is stoking the fires of dissent in order to get elected. Other's pose the people of Massachusetts should suffer because Martha Coakley can't run a good campaign.

Here are my thoughts on Scott Brown's positions.


Scott Brown says that he's pro-choice; yet he's supported a bill which allowed emergency room workers to deny emergency contraception to rape victims (because the workers felt "uncomfortable"). Since when does a medical worker's "beliefs" supersede their legal an moral obligation to provide care?

As a former EMT, this law is truly offensive. A medical worker whom is "uncomfortable" treating a patient then they should get the hell out of the medicine. What are we, pharmacists? They too have been allowed to refuse services because of their own "morals." Who are you to say that you have the right to project your morality onto your patient. I worked with a diverse and often disadvantaged population of patients. It was a moral obligation to help them and NOT to judge.

This law is exactly the kind of back door attack at Roe vs. Wade which weak, spineless, shifty politicians use to play to both sides of the issue.. Of Scott Brown is truly as anti-choice as his supporters hope then why not be honest. Why is he hiding? Why say he is a defender of Roe vs. Wade because it is the law of the land, but say he is pro-life and then signs on to this vicious bill?

Scott Brown professes that he clearly respects women because he lives in a household with his wife and two daughters. If this were true, how can he support a bill to so drastically change the protection of women? Perhaps it's just other people's daughter's who would lose? His daughters, surely, would have good health care, be taken to a good hospital that supports their rights as patients. Perchance his has money to fly his daughters out of state or country so they may get care. The rich can always buy support. In the era before Roe v. Wade back alley butchers, often drunk or incompetent would take advantage of women, hurt them, and kill them or forever inhibit their ability to have children. Think the Movie "Dirty Dancing"....the rich flew to Canada or to another state, the poor suffered. No one is PRO Abortion. It is as ridiculous as saying someone is PRO Life. So called Pro-lifers want to take the power of a choice from women and put it in the hands of politicians or the church. This is wrong, and Scott Brown using his daughters and supporting this bill is offensive.

Death Penalty:

Scott Brown can't be pro-life if he is for the death penalty. Life is life... It is murder when some stranger kills during a crime, when a wife is killed by her husband or the state puts a criminal to death. The state should DEFINITELY NOT be able to kill. Our so called "justice" system puts people in jail for longer if a white person is killed vs a black person. Our system is fallible, many argue broken. The Massachusetts government can NOT be able to kill. The state cannot lower itself to the personification of individual vengeance. There are too many examples when someone has been put to death and later exonerated. Too late for the person killed. Dead is dead.

Scott Brown's position on the death penalty is just like his stance is just like Pro-life. He's trolling for votes.


Scott Brown consistently professes that his years in the military (as a JAG lawyer) gives him the experience to be a Senator. His statements, however, show that he has actual disdain for the rule of law. He wants "suspected" terrorists in our military jails to not be able to so-called "lawyer up." What a ridiculous statement! He's a lawyer and should know that the Military courts have a very low success rate while our civilian courts work. Is he saying that he doesn't want people to have legal representation? John Adams defended the military troops whom fired at the crowd at the Boston massacre when the mob wanted them executed. They were soldiers whose guilt was not in question but received good legal defense because it was the right and just thing to do. John Adam's knew. This was before the founding of our nation but it set precedence and contributed to the law of the land.

The Islamic fundamentalists who attack us with bombs in their pants believe they are fighting for a just cause; to defend Afghanistan, Mecca, their god, whatever. In 1000 A.D. Muslim philosopher called for the infidel to be converted by "word or by sword." 1000 AD! If these fools want to follow the advice of some idiot from 1000 years ago let them, we have our Constitution. The Bush administration, through torture, illegal wire taps, and secret prisons proved that only we can destroy our republic. The 9/11 hijackers couldn't destroy our way of life. It took 8 years of terrible Bush policies to truly threaten our constitution. They were worse than when Russia was aiming thousands of Nuclear weapons our way. Russia had a Communist system that, ostensibly, OUTLAWED religion, and trade, and commerce. Why are we freaking out now?

Scott Brown is arguing that we are at war, and under constant attack. He's said that we should change our system of jurist prudence. He also supports torture and secret prisons. He even said that Water-boarding isn't torture.... Huh???

A lawyer and an elected official Scott Brown should know better. He has taken an oath to protect and defend the constitution. Arguing that our system cannot handle the trial of some moron who burned up his junk is insulting and disingenuous. Clearly another lie to get votes.

Why not vote for the politician with a real track record of fighting for people? She's not perfect: she didn't do a great job in the debates, and can't seem to go on the attack, but with all her faults, she is a true defender of people's rights. It is clear she's heard the voice of people and has an understanding for whom she works when she's in Washington.

Vote Coakley! There is too much is at stake.

Joshua S. Weisbuch