Sunday, May 9, 2010

Drug war gone awry?

Does this make sense? Cops bust into a guy's home looking for Marijuana dealer, break his door, shoot at his dogs, a Pit Bull and a Corgie, wounding them both, then kill the Pit Bull! Police arrest and terrorize the homeowner, his wife and son.

Turns out the information was apparently wrong, just some neighbor trying to get him in trouble. Cops shot SEVEN times inside the home. Huh? There was a 7 year old kid in the house! Fire control anyone? news program where I saw the story said that 100 of these types of raids PER DAY!

This is Ridiculous!

We as a Nation need to put some seriously thought into the FARCE that is the War on Drugs.

(WARNING. Video is very disturbing. No visuals but you hear the poor dogs die.):

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