Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Paladino, NY Race, Jews & the media

My thanks to Countdown for the story. It was enlightening and at the same time frustrating.

1st, Paladino is an idiot. He's a bigot, as was shown by both his forwarding racist anti-obama photoshopped e-mails but also by his "I'm in construction, it was funny" BS excuse.

2nd, His views toward gays and religion is CLEARLY shown in this video. He feels Cuomo was "irresponsible" to take his daughters to a gay pride march at a time when a number of gay teens have killed themselves AND a viscous gay-bashing event occurred IN New York City LAST WEEK! Luckily no one was killed but his focused on the OFFENSE teaching their children tolerance NOT the terrible gay-bashing incident showed his true feelings..

3rd, the threats against a journalist when he said he was going to "take him out" is something I'd expect out of the mouth of a fascist dictator like Mussolini not a major party candidate for governor.

Voters everywhere are frustrated that Obama promised major change, brought us incremental baby-steps wrapped in weakness and an inability to promote his own successes. But this guy? For New York? Really?

Every US Citizen should call their friends, family and acquaintances who live in New York and tell them to not to vote for this crazy. Polls say he is not going to win...well, let's make sure. This man is a blight on our country....can you imagine what damage he could do with his own Police force, or the tax records of everyone in NY, or worse, the bully pulpit?

Ok, Paladino is an idiot, a bigot and probably a fascist. These characters come and go in the history of democratic countries. They're a flash in the pan. They pop in, do their damage, and get bounced. Our country's history is rife with close minded, bigoted, self aggrandizing egoists who use self promotion and weak facts to gain power and hurt others. McCarthy, that priest in the 50s and 60s father Keagan (sp?), Jefferson Davis, Strom Thurman, FDR and those in the his administration who did not yell "STOP!" when the internment of Japanese citizens was being contemplated and taking place. The pro-torture, anti-freedom, power-hungry, pro-business FEMA rapers of the Bush Administration. The list goes on and it includes ALL stripes of political thought, parties and all races, religions and creeds.

Our republic has beaten these idiots because eventually the people wake up and take back control....eventually.

Know what I find the most offensive about this situation shown by the video? Want to know what trend I find most disturbing?

At the two minute mark of the Video Paladino is speaking among religious Jews. What the HELL are those religious Jews doing aligning themselves with this fascist? His thoughts and words from the campaign are an ANATHEMA to religious teachings. Worse, this troglodyte was elected with backing from a party whose rallies are regularly peppered with signs comparing Obama and others to ADOLF HITLER!!!!!

Why the hell are they allowing him to speak from the synagogue? Even if it's just a room: having a bunch of bearded Jews dressed in Black GIVES THE IMPRESSION that it's a religious room. Do they not recognize that they are giving a gift of video and photos to the world will have PROVING that Jews align themselves with this fascist, anti-gay, racist, bigoted moron.

Worse still, when they all clapped when the idiot said that society should not allow teaching tolerance I was shocked, saddened and incredibly angry. As Jews we should be the leaders of movements supporting ALL minorities. 6 Million people didn't die so that this jerk could promote his evil, close-minded, "theories" onto to the world stage with the support of backdrop of black-hats. As I've written before, we Jews should be standing outside every affronted Mosque, church or anywhere ANY minority is threatened. Gay, straight, Muslim, Christian, Wicken, Bahia, believers and non-believers alike MUST be able to turn to the Jewish people for support. Jews lived a history of being out-casts, ostracized by the society, scape-goated by those in power, seen as less than human: the other, the unclean, the unworthy. Be it Pope or Politician, Minister or Magistrate, Mullah or Mayor we Jews have a unique platform from which to call out to the heavens "This can not stand!"

The religious Jews in the video, by becoming his political backdrop, have allowed this orangutan to also blur the lines between church and state. NO POLITICIAN UNLESS THEY ARE SPEAKING AT A FUNERAL SHOULD SPEAK FROM A RELIGIOUS SITE. NONE! It is a terrible precedent which, politicians of all parties abuse with the same temerity with which they abuse the flag. Around the world Politicians of all stripes use the Bible, Torah, Koran and other religious books as PROPS to push their own agenda. Did ANYONE learn ANYTHING from the BIBLE? In the US we have separation of church and state. This is to PROTECT RELIGION FROM UNDUE EFFECTS OF POLITICS not vice-versa.

And finally, the Media is at fault as well. We have a serious problem in this country and the media focuses on bullshit. Idiot small-time preachers in Florida working to bump up a little support from their 60 person congregations by burning the Koran SHOULD NOT GET WORLD WIDE PRESS! He should be called out as the jerk he is. Media owners and journalists, we know you are whores, you'll publicize any exciting story in order to sell soap but YOU ARE THE FOURTH ESTATE! You play a vital role in society. Start doing your job! Promote the REALITY of any given situation rather than just a discussion on the two sides. You cannot present ideas from fascists like they have the same weight in relation to other sane people. This summer many said "Let's get single payer healthcare." whackos responded, "Death Panels!" AND YOU PROMOTED IT LIKE IT WAS REAL! Shame on you.

- Josh Weisbuch

Joshua S. Weisbuch



Paladino self-destructs

Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall expands on the context in which Carl Paladino’s anti-gay remarks affected various political and social issues Sunday night.


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