Friday, December 19, 2014

Drug test welfare recipients and other distractions!

Friend on Facebook posted article on drug testing welfare recipients.  Again, the rich are working hard to distract us.  Here is my response:  

"I would agree as long as we drug test the CEOs of companies who get corporate money from the government in the form of tax breaks they've received by working as defense contractors, Wall Street investment groups or the construction industry.  I agree that it "seems" important to go after the poor on welfare but this is exactly what the .01% who have 99% of th wealth WANT us all to focus upon.  Do you know that congress and Obama just gave the banks the ability to et OUR MONEY in the futures market again??!  They keep the profits an the fed pats f they loose!  Same thing that caused the bank meltdown in 2008!!!   The rich want us all to fight each other so that we do not fight them!  Wake up!  Let's PUBLICLY fund elections, outlaw private money in politics and get our government back!!!     Congress is OWNED by the rich!  We can change it!  Founding fathers allowed for constitutional amendments bypassing federal government if 3/4 of states vote to have a constitutional convention.  See for more info or my blog for future postings.  "

1 comment:

Joshua S. Weisbuch said...

Another side to drug testing. Posted this at Facebook:

Ok, so rich people and people not asking for welfare can drink, do drugs but not those that need public assistance? What happens if they test positive? Are they offered rehab? What about their kids? Do they starve because Dad (or Mom) got a high? Do the test look JUST for one positive or does it look for daily abuse? Maybe they got high because it is so depressing to request public assisstance in the first place! Does it test for alcohol? What if they drink a bottle of vodka a, of course not, that's legal. So they get kicked off and now society has to deal with a bunch of addle-minded, depressed, stoned individuals, possibly with kids, who now have no help at all and possibly lose their homes, end up in shelters and starving because we the almighty tax-payer want to play "BAD DADDY" and teach them a lesson! Do you really think that ONE positive drug test bounces a fire-fighter, cop, hospital worker or city worker? NO WAY! Unions get involved, people apologize profusely, cow-tow in front of the management, apologize, go to rehab.... This is BS! If you have money, means or an internet connection you can read about how to play the system. How about we have a healthcare system that helps people get off drugs/alchohol/addictions if they want and we don't treat people like children! What happen to the US being the land of FREEDOM??? Apparantly not if you ware poor or need help! Crap!